18 October, 2010

Delhi Navratri

As mentioned in my earlier posts, my Navratri was celebrated in Delhi. On Ashtami, I went to Chattarpur temple where there was Maha Chandi Homa Puja in the presence of Rishi Nitya Pragya. All the saints had come from Bangalore Art of Living Ashram and were performing Puja, Homas, Sankalpas, Yagyas, just how it is done in Bangalore. 

This cow was brought in.

Her calf wanted to be with its mother and wanted to hide under her

Rishi ji sitting in meditative mood.

Rishi ji feeding the cow.

We did Kanya pujan- also known as Kanjakein.

Hundreds of herbs, jewels, gold, silver is put in the Yagya Ahuti. It is a very powerful Yagya. 

Nine yards of pure silk saree being put in the Ahuti after being dipped in the cow's ghee.

After this we got Rishi ji's blessings and ate hearty Satvik lunch. My nine day Navratra fast ended with such fabulous lunch. It could not have been better.

SUTRA: "Get established wherever you are. The moment you get established, mind gets established & you find only God is present everywhere." - Sri Sri...

Jai Gurudev!

Guruji said five Yagyas you all have to do every day:

1. Ask yourself Who am I? Be with yourself for sometime, Meditate.
2. Feed some birds or animals.
3. Respect any guest, the people around you.
4. Nurture trees and plants. Grow some plant or tree.
5. Discuss some Knowledge for some time with a few people around you. Find the time to read at least 2 shlokas of the Gita.

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