
08 June, 2019

Ponduru Khadi saree

Ponduru Khadi saree with silk. 19000/-Kalpavriksha (Devanagari: कल्पवृक्ष), also known as kalpataru, karpaga viruksham,kalpadruma or kalpapādapa, is a wish-fulfilling divine tree in Hindu mythology, Jainism and Buddhism. It is mentioned in Sanskrit literature from the earliest sources. It is also a popular theme in Jain cosmology and Buddhism.
The Kalpavriksha originated during the Samudra manthan or "churning of the ocean" along with the Kamadhenu, the divine cow providing for all needs. Kalpavriksha, the tree of life, also meaning "World Tree" finds mention in the Vedic scriptures. In the earliest account of the Samudra manthan or "churning of the ocean of milk" Kalpavriksha emerged from the primal waters during the ocean churning process along with Kamadhenu, the divine cow that bestows all needs. The tree is also said to be the Milky Way or the birthplace of the stars Sirius.

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