
28 September, 2017

Sustainable fashion

It is important to take into account how we produce and consume clothing, textiles, shoes, accessories, etc. We have to be conscious of our impact on the environment and our social responsibility. It is opposite of fast-changing fashion trends. Today the environment is degraded because of the enormous amount of waste we create when we trash our fashionable garments after few uses. The clothing industry is second most polluting industries in the world after oil. People do not want to recycle or reuse. Instead of adapting to fast-changing fashion trends, try to move towards slow fashion. Because of fast-changing fashion trends, garments are manufactured in developing countries. There is a demand for quick and cheap clothes and then there is a problem of disposing of them. Some elements of the slow fashion philosophy include: buying vintage clothes, redesigning old clothes, shopping from smaller producers, making clothes and accessories at home, buying garments that last longer and really using them for long. People should buy less and dispose of even lesser. Use more of what you already have. Stop mindless shopping. Do not get swayed by advertisements where girls proudly claim that they have clothes full of the closet and yet they have nothing to wear. Invest in quality over quantity. Invest in something that you can appreciate for years and pass on to next generation as well.
Repeating clothes, sharing clothes and using vintage clothes should be a matter of pride not shame. I proudly share clothes with my sister.
Below I am wearing the oldest piece of garment in my wardrobe. The saree belongs to my nani (maternal grandmother). It is an about 80-year-old piece. It is nothing fancy but it is certainly a cherished piece that I recently acquired from my mom. Sarees have this unique aspect. You can pass it on to generations and they do not need any alterations or size changes. Also, they never go out of fashion. The older they are, the better and more priced possessions they become. Sarees are like old wines. Heritage sarees have another magic woven in them. Trends are fickle. Vintage sarees stand the test of time. Handloom sarees are the most eco-friendly garments. They last for generations and they look good at any time and any occasion. Even when they are torn and ripped apart they can be recycled to make many things.
Make most of what is already there in your closet rather than chasing the latest trend. Sustainability is making the right choice continuously. By no means, it means that you should not be fashionably turned out. Get stuff tailored, wear vintage and get creative. Disposing of clothes mindlessly only fills the landfills. Learn to make most of what you have and shop inside your closet. Shop locally and reduce the carbon footprint of your clothing.

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