
16 September, 2015

Diet and exercise after 40

At the age of 40, the metabolism starts slowing down. This is the time to pull up some tricks. Now you are not so young anymore but if you are careful with your diet and workout, you can reduce the signs of aging for long. You need to include cardio, strength training and toning exercises. Now the cellulite, fat deposits, bulging and sagging skin starts showing and you cannot afford to take it easy anymore.
For workout plan, for people above 35, this is what I recommend

Cardio: 40-50 minutes a day. 4-5 times a week.
This can be- brisk walking/jogging/running/swimming/aerobics/kickboxing/boot camp/dancing, etc

Weights: Do lift weights. For women it is specially essential as they lose muscle with age. Their bones become brittle. Lifting light weights will not make you muscular. It will keep you in shape.
2-3 times a week, add weight training to your workout.

Do yoga/pilates to keep you in shape. Nowadays we also have more fancy and effective options like aerial yoga, aerial silk workout, TRX, Bosu, etc.

My serious advice is hire a personal trainer who designs your workout plans as per your needs and goals. People spend a lot on designer clothes, bags, shoes and dining out. But most of the people feel that they can workout themselves in a gym. They feel that spending on a personal fitness trainer is a waste of money.
A trainer will save the cost of hospital bills. A trainer will make your designer dresses look more beautiful on you. It is an investment that one should make.

After 35, you need to be more careful with your diet, water, supplements and overall intake. You cannot binge and eat junk anymore.

Sample diet for working mothers over 40
Breakfast: Brown bread toast with cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, cottage cheese or else with egg whites.
Or a platter of fruits+
Some nuts

Afternoon: If you can carry a packed tiffin
Roti+ vegetables/fish/chicken + salad

Evening: fruit like apple, pear, strawberries, etc or
Roasted phool makane (very good source of calcium. Healthy snack) or
Grilled paneer tikka

Dinner: soup plus Grilled chicken/fish/veges with roti

You should also include daily supplements of calcium, Vitamins and protein
Your water intake should be 3-4 litres everyday

People with field jobs should carry light snacks in their bag. Like and apple, some nuts, health bars made at home, soy milk, pack of buttermilk. Or they should replenish the lost fluids with coconut water. They can also pack a sandwich for lunch or a roll.

People who workout a lot, should definitely have a protein shake.
They should add extra chicken/fish/tofu, soy milk, milk to their diet. Egg whites are also good. They can also have extra sprouts added to their salad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing a sample diet, I'm going to send this across to my sisters who need it 'coz they don't take care of themselves.

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