
30 March, 2015

House warming party of a friend

Today a friend had a chowki (religious ceremony in India) for her house warming. It was so lovely to be with friends. Below I am seen with the hostess.
I wore a suit, that I had bought in Akshay Pratishthan
You can see our group here , here, here, here and here.

Same group of friends, different day, partying at another friend's place.

I had worn the same suit earlier too. Seen below with my family.

29 March, 2015

Baby shower pics

Yesterday I attended baby shower of my dear friend. It was all so cute and she looked adorable.
I was styled by a friend/ stylist, Sofie.
What I wore:
Suit: Manish Arora. I have worn it here, here and here before.
Heels: Ferragamo. Worn it here, here and here before
Bag: gift from friend. Seen here before.
Lip color: Estee Lauder, Envy, Dominant. 430

28 March, 2015

Shedding weight after pregnancy

Here are fat to fit pictures of a client in Fitnesolution. You can see some more weight loss journeys here and here.
The client above, came to me after her second baby. We had achieved a weight loss after her first baby too. She had become super slim and I saw her after her second baby, three times her size. She was determined and dedicated to do it again. In weight loss, the person's will power and perseverance matters a lot. Despite ample odds, she achieved it. She had lower back pain, knee pain, ankle pain, she would keep awake all night with her babies, she was feeding, she had to curb her temptations to fabulous food. Some people advised her not want her to diet. She worked out despite all this. Now she is not only slim but also fit. 

26 March, 2015

Exceptional Dental care services in Delhi

When I was growing up, it was a pain to visit a dentist. It took multiple visits, manual cleaning, silver or gold fillings. For X ray, I had to go to another clinic. Now days, all this is simplified. The visits are shorter, there is advance technology and machines, painless procedures, and X ray is done in the same clinic, sitting on the same dental chair. 
The dentists in Delhi are working at par with their counterparts in America and Europe and we have state of art dental clinics in Delhi. The dentistry today is redefined. Today we have even veterinary dentists who treat our pets. We have special dental hospitals in Delhi. There are special dentists for children, there are dental hygienists, dental implantologist, Orthodontists, Geriatric dentist, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, endodontics for root canal treatments, and there are even dental laboratories. Dentists in Delhi provide exceptional dental care services. In fact, this is one major reason why, many people fly from overseas to get their dental treatment done. It is cheaper and highly advance technology.
Having said this, there are certain dentists you need to be wary of too. Choose your dentist wisely and after checking for references and getting recommendations from your known friends. Some dentists would suggest you unnecessary and expensive treatments, which might not be needed. Some dentists would push you towards expensive cosmetic procedures or do a root canal when just a filling would be needed.
On the other hand, a good dentist would try to save your tooth and your money and try to do a minimum pain job. He/she would be concerned about you and your welfare.
Bottom line is, in Delhi we have very good dentists who are highly qualified and have state of art technology but choose your doctor wisely and after lot of research. You do not want to get rid of toothache and get heartache in return. Teeth should be cared for, protected and saved. Regular visit to your trusted dentist can be very helpful.

20 March, 2015

Delhi fashion blogger

Today was a day of mix and match and experiments with looks. I wore separates and coordinated them to create a look. Some old pieces, some forgotten ones , some creativity and styling was put to use. No designer labels. In fact, the net shirt is handed down from sister and is about two decades old.

Location: The Grand hotel

fashion blog delhi

fashion blogger delhi

fashion blogger india

fashion blogger india

Location: Select City walk, Delhi.