Jackky Bhagnani turned 30 on December 25. And the actor threw a birthday bash for his close friends from the industry. It was a double celebration for Jackky for his birthday falls on Christmas day. Shahid Kapoor, Harman Baweja, Dia Mirza, Sahil Sangha and many other B-town celebs attended Jackky’s birthday bash in Mumbai today. Also seen were Zayed Khan and Arshad Warsi.
Ekta Kapoor came wearing a black gown. What we were really glad to see was that she has ditched her famous clogs. Though, we do not like her wedges so much but they are better than her clogs. We would have likes to see stilettos with this gown. But that would be too much to expect from Ekta.
KS style rating: 3/5
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