
25 October, 2014

Gift yourself a health check-up this time

Written by Rubina Sushil

Hi there!

If you are healthy, you are part of a small privileged group. Remain that way by going for regular health check-ups. And if you are not, begin today by gifting yourself a total health check-up.

There are many reasons to postpone the one vital thing that could turn out to be the most important thing in our lives. A busy life, a feeling of wellness and hence no need of any urgency, not included in the priority list due to financial reasons and the favourite of all of us- denial of any aches of pains. This remains a favourite because we all do it at some point of time. It is also one of the most important reasons for masked illnesses to spread. Please don’t ignore your health; treat it as an investment for the future.

The visit to the doctor can also set the stage for getting counselling and valuable advice some subjects that you may be seeking answers to and need an experts opinion like- substance abuse, depression or weight. Think of the doctor as a friend whose opinion you value the most and motivate yourself to follow their advise.

Whole body check-ups cover all the usual parameters like BP, blood screening, digestive system, respiratory system, diabetes etc. If you are over 40 and haven’t yet got yourself screened for thyroid malfunction, breast and cervical cancer and bone density, this is the right to get them done.

Be your own friend first. The rest of the world will love you for it!

And Hey! Don’t forget to leave a comment. Love to hear from you!

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