
18 July, 2014

How to be successful

Be indispensable and you will climb up the ladder
Act indispensable and you will be thrown out of the gate.

Necessity is the mother of invention. No one is indispensable. Everyone is replaceable. Do good work. Let your work speak for itself. Try not to throw your weight around or act pricey. Be humble and modest.
Every cloud has a silver lining. If you throw your weight around, temporarily, the other person might have a rough time. The moment, probably someone better replaces you, you might be considered good riddance. Never let compliments and praises go to your head. Never deliberately give a tough time to anyone. If you do that, the other person WILL emerge as a winner in the long run. That is when another alternative is sought.

Following work ethics can help you to be successful.

1. Deliver quality.
2. Keep your commitments- deadlines/ promises.
3. Be transparent about your prices. Bargaining is bad.
4. Do not unnecessarily try to act difficult.
5. Stick to your ground rules.