
13 April, 2014

Parakultural, Salon Canning, Buenos Aires

This was the first milonga that we went to in Buenos Aires. It remains our all time favorite. During our stay in Buenos Aires, we went there four times and it never disappointed us. It is top most in our list. I am reminded of my previous visits to Salon Canning about which I have blogged here and here.
Me and my husband danced the first tanda together here. After that I got many wonderful dances and many compliments. If you are traveling to BA, this is one milonga that you must go to. We were here from 11 pm till 4 am.
The difference between this trip and previous trips
A. This time I was not alone but with my husband. And we danced together for the first time.
B. I was conversing fluently in Castellano.
C. I knew the place, the people, my teachers and was much less nervous. Rather I was confident and feeling at home.

I am wearing a tango dress that I bought in BA this time. It can be worn in 3-4 different ways.