17 March, 2013

I dislike pumps

Shoes set the personality. People choose shoes based on whatever they are going to do, whether it’s a sexy night out, a professional meeting, or a casual romp with my family. Shoes really do absorb your experiences. A shoe represents much more than comfort for the feet. It is such an intense form of expression that it can transform the person and their characteristics. It can create the most varied of attitudes, funny, childish, exuberant, austere, sensual, indifference and many other expressions. Shoes have soul. They express lightness, they annul time and take you in a trance; shoes are ornaments of bedrooms and bathrooms; shoes can be seen walking outside, along corridors, through the rooms and in all directions, expressing themselves and provoking emotions.

In shoes, there is one trend that I completely dislike ( you may call it "hate"). And that is pumps. They are ugly, bulky, heavy, atrocious and disgusting. Women get attracted to it because these probably give them a comfort of wearing high heel with elevated forefront. Today I saw this sale on Steve Maden and every shoe was a pump and each shoe looked abominable. This is precisely the reason, I never buy Christian Louboutin or Steve Maden or Aldo for that matter.
Stiletto should be dainty looking. For dancing and pivoting on the forefoot, I need zapatos that are flat from front and have the most gorgeous heels behind. Nothing ugly looking works. And yes, comfort cannot be compromised. When I look at pumps, I seriously look away in disgust just as I look away when I see meat. I dislike wedge heels as much. And wedges which have heels in front and back (block) look the worst. They are a perfect killer for the most gorgeous designer outfit.
I am a shoe lover. In all my trips overseas, I have brought back shoes. And I cannot even dare to disclose how many in each trip. I can truly and confidently say that Argentine's make the best shoes. Yes, they make of pure leather and I do not buy leather but they are happy to customize them for you in fabric or pleather. And we in India, make and wear the worst looking shoes.