
18 October, 2012

Red Maheshwari Sari

I have worn this sari earlier in this post here and here.
After wearing it just twice, I was bored of it and it looked dull to me. I wanted to revamp it. Because it was still my favorite sari.

       Which version you like better. The original or the revamped one?

And this is what I did to it. I wore it today for dinner with friends. 
Today I had 2 invites- dinner with friends, whom I know well and whose company I enjoy and another one as a blogger- high profile event, attended by Bollywood stars and celebs. Both were at the same time but not close to each other. For quite some time I was in  dilemma where to go. I also thought of doing both, one after the other. But eventually I decided that my loyalty and commitment to my friends is more important than an event filled with celebs whom I do not know but probably would have interacted with and networked. I think my commitment levels are higher than normal people. Is it good or bad?
I do not think I missed out on much. What would you have done?