
21 June, 2012

Shopping in Barcelona

My travel trips mean shopping and Tango. Barcelona is a heaven for shopping. 
My first stop was at Desigual.

And my most expensive indulgence of this trip was Manolo Blahnik. I cringed first when I got to know the price of the shoe I had been lusting for- 810 Euro. Disappointed, I came back. But then I had a sleepless night. I had to buy them. They were just so me.

These stilettos are insprired by Henri Matisse. The figures on this shoe represents "Matisse's multiple works depicting dancing figures."
This season’s collection from Manolo Blahnik is not unlike some of his past collections: bold, edgy and classic at the same time. For this collection, Blahnik looked to several places for inspiration, from Henri Matisse, the French artist known for his bright colors and different shapes, to nature and botany, as well as the upcoming Olympic Games.
These shoes are called Matisse Bohu. They can be used for my Tango and they have dance figurines on them. So me.

Manolo Blahnik in Barcelona is in Hotel Madarin. It is a beautiful hotel. Check its picture below.