
11 March, 2012

Dancing with Dana Frigoli at DNI Tango

Out of many teachers I have met so far, my favorite has been Dana Frigoli. But I am meeting many more teachers starting today. Today the CITA Tango festival is starting and I am taking so many classes in it from different teachers.
Yesterday, I took a group class from Dana. Tango 7 (the level was 7- the highest) was a unique tango class in that it purposed very advanced investigation challenging the dancer to reevaluate his or her technique. Every combination purposed was an opportunity to apply a general principle to a specific situation. The class was followed by a practica and then milonga and a show.
The class was prepared and given by Adrian Ferreyra and Dana Frigoli. Dana's school is called DNI Tango. It is in Bulnes 1011 | Buenos Aires.
Dana is very pleasant, very beautiful and charming, great dancer, fabulous person and outstanding teacher. In a group class she pays a very personal attention to everyone. She greets everyone as if that person is the most special to her. She hugs you, hods your hand, spends time with you, corrects you, talks to you. She is so warm and friendly. Her teaching style is unique. She started the class with some amazing balance work. She gave some very fine details and techniques about body balance and correction through Yoga in Tango. Her combination and transitions were so smooth that in one class, she took me to another level.