
08 March, 2012

Buenos Aires Diary- Day 1

Every picture that you see has been self shot.

As I said earlier, I was not jet lagged at all. In fact, I was bubbling with excitement. The first thing that I did, after checking into my hotel and taking a shower, was a mobile and get a local number.

The second thing that I did, was, make a visit to Comme il faut. This is the one and only shop in the whole world that sells comme il faut tango shoes. It is in Arenales, 1239 door, 3 apt, Rues des Artisans, BA. I got two pairs from them that day. I restrained myself as they told me that their new stock was expected. Photography was prohibited there. But they permitted me this much. I can be seen sitting, far in the mirror. It was bustling with customers as you can see. And Tango music was playing inside. It is a very cute shop.

Here I was trying the shoes and was sitting amidst a pile of shoes. Totally confused which one of those beauties to pick up and which ones to leave. They were all so pretty.
I had picked this dress from Frankfurt. Here I had not wasted any time on makeup, accessories etc. The focus was getting myself A comme il faut.

Quite happy after my purchase. My shoe bag on my side.

And the third thing I did, was stock up with some fruits.