
11 March, 2012

Buenos Aires- day 10

Yesterday, I went to a milonga which is open air and held in a park. It is called La Glorieta. I had gone there second time. They charge only 5 peso for this milonga. Yesterday, I also did Boogie. It was very crowded and the dancers were nothing great. People were dressed far more casually. But, they say, this is also one experience that one must have in BA. I do not like it much. I like more classy, happening, swanky milongas.
After that I went to Villa Malcolm and then to Club Sunderland. Villa Malclom is more Nuevo. Club Sunderland is a held in what is actually a football court.
Everyday, there are more than 20 milongas that are happening in town. It gets difficult to choose where to go. Everyone has their favorites, depending on the style of Tango, proximity of place, their chosen partners, etc etc.
There are also gay and lesbian milongas which, I am certainly not interested in. Then there are milongas in the barrios (which means the neighborhood/local milongas). Where everyone knows everyone. Like a family.
After every song, and before the start of next song, it is important to wait for 20 seconds. It is not important to talk. But important to wait. But people strike a small conversation in those 20 seconds.
As I have been saying, I am asked few staple questions and I have few standard answers. I am almost thinking, I should get few small cards printed (like visiting cards) and hand it every time to a person I dance with. It should read-

I speak English. Not Spanish.
I am from India- from Delhi.
Yes, tango is very popular in Delhi. And we do have milongas.
Yes, I know I dance beautifully and am very beautiful.
Now shut up and dance.