Fitnesolution has helped children to loose weight, gain height, be more flexible and have better postures.
My interview has come in daily mail of UK today. Here is the link. and here.
Here is what it says and the before and after picture of my client who had come all the way from Srinagar to workout and shed weight with me during her vacations.
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My interview has come in daily mail of UK today. Here is the link. and here.
Here is what it says and the before and after picture of my client who had come all the way from Srinagar to workout and shed weight with me during her vacations.
The family united to help her
Its taken over three years for 13 year old Qandeel Qazi to shed all the extra weight she was carrying. From being a 75 kg at the age of 9, Qandeel now weighs 50 kgs.
When she was 9 years old, Qandeel was turned away from the Benetton kids store in Delhi.
'The guy at the counter said that none of the clothes in the kid's department would fit her,' remembers Qandeel's father Hashmat.

Qandeel pictured left before changes to her dietary regime and after her weight loss, pictured right
The Qazis disappointment was nothing compared to Qandeel's shock.
The fact that she weighed 75 kgs struck her and she cried for a week.
She was a binge eater and all of a sudden, the intensity of her problem struck the family. 'We realized how big her weight problem was only then. Being the youngest, she was also the most pampered,' says Hashmat.
The Qazis considered their daughter's weight loss as a family challenge.
She joined a gym during her vacation and spent an hour on the treadmill every morning and evening.
'"She was very determined to lose weight and managed to shed 10 kgs in three months,' says Kiran Sawhney, chief fitness trainer, Fitnesolution.
When the vacations ended, the Qazis bought a treadmill so that she could maintain her regimen. Changes began at the dining table too.
'We did not want to make her feel singled out so we simply cut down all fatty food in the house. Our meals are lower in fat now and higher in protein,' he says.
Thanks to the family effort, the chubby Qandeel transformed into a slim 50 kilo teenager who continues to gym and watch her diet.
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