
13 February, 2012

Sri Sri

Sri Sri: Satyam bruyat-Speak the truth
Priyam bruyat: Speak pleasant words
Na bruyat Satyam Apriyam- Dont talk unpleasant truth.... Sri Sri

"Without you Where Will I Be ....

Fish without water
Sky without stars or sun
Words that don't sound...

Without you Where Will I Be .

Body without life
Mud without moisture
Air that doesn't blow
Fire that doesn't light

Without you Where Will I Be..

Eyes without sight
Ears that cannot hear..
Tongue that doesn't taste..

Without you Where Will I Be..

A Devotee cannot even imagine his existence without the is so intoxicating the intoxication never comes down.. it is such an addiction.. How to put in words.. Without you where will I be..Only a Devotee is eligible to go into Ashtavakra...Ashtavakra Grounds..Its like the grounding force.. A devotee goes so high up in the air, Ashtavakra grounds him.."

.. Sri Sri

One who has control over himself, has control over everything else; one who has no control over himself, tries to control others." Sri Sri