
13 January, 2012

Girl with a strong will power.

Everyday, I have a new client joining my fitness centre. In my very first meeting, I know it, for sure, what the results are going to be. After talking to a client for less than a minute, I can tell where she/he would be in six months or a year. Whether she is going to drop out in a month or sustain my torture.

When I met her first, I knew it that she is a girl with a strongest dedication, will power, motivation, perseverance, persistence. Today she is an inspiration to many (including me). She is an exciting client and a pleasure to workout with.

Respecting her privacy, I would not reveal her name or the statistics as to how much weight loss she had. But you can see her transformation.

Meet my dear client/friend/lawyer. These are her pictures of her journey over a year.