
05 December, 2011

Jamawar Saree on our anniversary.

As stated in my earlier post, 3rd Dec was my 20th Wedding Anniversary.
20 years passed like a dream. 20 years back, I could not have imagined, what we would be doing 20 years ahead. On 3rd December, we had to leave for a road trip to Ludhiana. We had a wedding to attend. But the catch was that on our way, we had to first attend another wedding in Delhi. Which meant, that I dress up in all my finery attend a wedding in Delhi and we spend our 20th wedding anniversary on a long drive together, to Ludhiana. As stated earlier, I am a panicky co passenger and an excellent driver. So I happily took over the wheels and we drove together, after attending this first wedding. We got to spend some hours with each other during this long drive away from our busy work schedules.

This is what I wore for the first wedding and during our drive.

It is a Jamawar Saree. When buying a true and pure Jamawar Saree, look on the backside. You will find an array of threads. That is how this pure silk Sari is woven along with a gold thread.