
10 November, 2011

Fabulous Email

In response to my previous post, which can be read here, I got this following beautiful email. This again really made my day.

Hi Kiran,

Your post Unapologetic really hit home with me. I agree with almost everything you said. God made me the way I am. Why should I be apologetic about my traits? About things I cannot control. The problem is that people are judgmental. The are blinded to their own actions and expect others to be perfect and are constantly judging and over analyzing. 

There are so many times we feel guilt about something that our mind says we should not. It comes from the morals (so-called) that have been ingrained into us and kick in at a sub conscious level. It takes a real effort to break these imaginary shackles and you do offend a few people on the way. But should we honestly care? Sometimes yes, but most often not...

One point that really touched a raw nerve was being guarded on the blog because my family and colleagues will read it. So true. I have almost stopped writing because of this...

Looks like I rambled on and on...

Oh and I also wanted to tell you that I have started working out regularly with a trainer. I never had body image issues and accepting my plumpness. So, I always dismissed working out. But you (and my mum) inspired me to workout regularly. Even then, I always thought that I am too busy. Then, I saw you manage a family with two kids, a job, a social life and a blog and said to myself I can try. I am still learning to manage time and do all the things that I love to and wanted to tell you that you touch more lives than you can imagine. Please continue your work :)