
14 October, 2011

How to keep your shoes

How to take care of your shoes.

We women (sometimes even men) love our shoes. We buy so many of them- some of them very expensive. But how many of us, take good care of our shoes. What do you do so that your shoes remain in good condition and shape? Here are few tips.
I have seen many women just throw their shoes in a pile in some drawer, shoe rack etc, one on top of other. It is a painful and disgusting sight.
When not in use, keep your shoes stored in their original boxes, stuffed with their original packing (butter paper, dustcover, etc). People simply throw the original boxes after their purchase. I have shopped for my shoes overseas and despite having less space in my suitcase or weight constraints, I have brought my pretty shoes back home, in their original boxes and kept them in those forever.

This is how one of my shoe drawer looks like.

Condition your shoes time to time with leather conditioner.
Never use plastic or Vinyl to cover your shoes.
After you take off your shoes, before storing them back, make sure to clean them properly with a brush.
Dance shoes need special care. Wear them only on dance floor. Carry them with you and change into them only before stepping on the dance floor. Take them off before you leave.