04 May, 2011

Kiran Sawhney, the fitness trainer from Delhi, in print media

My family has seldom featured on this blog but they have been featured in print media with me. Here are few clippings of the same.

This one is with my husband.

My two sons are in this picture with me. Elder one is right in front of me with a mauve ball and the younger one is holding the red ball.

With my two boys

Again with my two boys

With my elder one

With my younger one. He is a black belt holder. In fact both my boys are.

Behind me is my younger one. And the rest of the children are his friends.

Both my boys. They are chess champions too. As you can see, the article has been written by me.

Again with both my boys


  1. The one with the boxing gloves and you kicking looks super awesome... Way to go...

  2. Your family is so cute! I would never have guessed you had two sons! :)

  3. Your sons are so athletic and smart ! You've done a terrific job raising them from what I can tell.
    Great pictures of you and your family, working out is very important, all people should have a 30 minutes per day working out session

  4. Great , great and simply superb. In one pic.I could your hair colour as red:)
