
19 April, 2011

Summer Sorbet Colors

So here I am dressed in summer sorbet colors, psychedelic print, bohemian fashion. I have mentioned before my love for colors- vibrant, vivacious, happy, bright, cheerful, blooming colors. 
Do tell me about your favorite colors. And if gloomy and sad, black, is your favorite color, don't bother to tell me.

Oh yes! I must mention. Below is a dress that is BCBG (bought in US)
The above dress is no big label, bought from Delhi and costed 1/10th of the price of BCBG dress.
Don't they look kind of similar? But with hugely different price tags. Which one do you like better?


  1. i liked the local one! its much more vibrant...!

  2. I like the first series and of course my favorite color is Ocean Blue!

  3. Hi Kiran,
    I was away. Hectic schedule these days. The summer is at peak but you look cool in those dresses.
    I liked both as both have slightly diff. style. but i would give more rating for the Indian dress.

  4. Hi Kiran, thanks for stopping by my blog, which let me find you:):)

    I love the local one too, the vibrancy of the colors is amazing.

  5. Thank you for the comment! It would be great if you could vote for one of the looks below the post:)
    Lovely blog you have! ~ xoxo

  6. oye..for a second i thought you revamped your BCBG dress. Totally love your new the bow on it.
    And I like the new mnmlist design of your blog too:)

  7. I'm not sure which dress I like better. I guess I'll call it a tie =)
    My favorite colors are blue, pink,green orange and most colors.

  8. I love bright vibrant colors! And you know, I prefer the first (no label) dress to the BCBG one.
