
14 March, 2011


For those who do not know about Indian festivals, Holi is a festival, specially celebrated in North India. It comes when winter is tucked away and spring is coming. This is a festival of colors, food, drinking, dancing, throwing colored water and dry colors etc.

For me- This is as close to Holi that I can go, which means, writing about it in a blog.
I have no problem with people celebrating this festival whichever way they want to. But I am never ever part of it- never was, even as a child. You could easily say that I quite dislike the whole thing.

This is one day when I like to be left alone. I lock myself indoors and spend time only with myself.
Over the period of years, my friends have learnt to leave me alone on this day. No amount of persuasion and coaxing, would make me change my mind.

Despite the fact, that I am a very colorful and fun loving person, who celebrates all festivals of all religions, Holi is not my cup of tea. I do not see any logic why I should dirty myself. Why I should allow chemicals, dirty water, colors, to go in my eyes, skin and hair.

So here is wishing all of you a very Happy Holi. As always, I will celebrate it by myself, in my room, blogging, reading, etc.

Wearing a dress: Gaurav Gupta: White.


  1. I love holi but don't play it anymore all the pics are very good beautiful detailing on the dress
    Thanks for the comment on the last post

  2. Oh but I LOVE Holi! Alas it's not a big celebration in Australia and also... the chemicals in the powders worry me.

    What a beautiful body you have Kiran. This dress shows it off perfectly.

  3. I've never celebrated Holi but I would love to! I also don't like to get dirty but I think on occasion it might be fun. Your dress is absolutely beautiful. And I don't think you have too many photos on your blog :)


  4. You don't play Holi---that is surprise...A lot of us don't. I started recently.

  5. Lovely photos. We also celebrate Holi but not with spraying colours.
    I am back after a long break , missed many posts. Was on tour.

  6. Love your new dress. and love the backdrop too. Where is it?
