
16 February, 2011

Russian Ballet

Today was supposed to be Bryan Adam concert that I was going to see. But for some reason, the concert has got postponed.
So instead, I went with my friends to see Kremlin Classical Ballet of Russia.

It is a part of International dance festival hosted by India.

I could not click any pictures of the show. But I must say that it was breathtakingly beautiful.
The ballerinas looked so dainty. They were like butterflies. The show was spectacular. The tutus were so amazing. And I was in tears.
The only thing I could utter/whisper was- WOW!!

This is what I saw Live

Somehow, we got top most balcony seats. And the only thing, the show and the seats reminded me was a dialogue from the film Pretty Woman. Where, Julia Robert watches an opera and at the end gasps, "I almost peed in my pants". It is the most beautiful live show that I have ever seen.