
17 November, 2010

wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar-{Daily Sutra} Subject: Misery

Misery simply means you are stuck to the outside. Joy means you are in your element which is inside. If you depend on others for your comfort, you lose your joy. First, have this faith that nature will provide whatever I need or I deserve, it will never happen that nature doesn’t provide you with what you need. Secondly, I want nothing from anybody. And third whatever I have, it is only for others and I will serve others as much as I can. Finish! Where is the misery then?

{Knowledge Sheet} Subject:‘Love is that which cannot be expressed or hidden fully’

“If you keep trying to express it, then it will become just a sound and the feelings are lost. Saying “I love you” everyday and every time, it eventually turns into, “I can’t stand you!” Too much expression spoils things. If you don’t express at all, that is also not good. There needs to be moderation.

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