12 November, 2010

Highlights of Guruji's Punjab visit.

    12 Nov Sri Sri Ravi Shankar visits the Wagah Border - the road linking India & Pakistan - where he will give a message of peace. For years The Art of Living has been working there to promote peace through relief work and stress-elimination courses. 13 Nov, 7-8 PM (IST) there is a LIVE chat with teachers of The Art of Living from Pakistan, that have been instrumental in promoting peace.

    During his 5-day tour of the Indian state Punjab, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will lead a Drug De-addiction gathering, hosted by The Art of Living today, that is expected to be attended by 25,000 beneficiaries of The Art of Living's Drug De-Addiction Program. This program is part of Sri Sri's vision to create a drug-free and alcohol free Punjab.

  1. "Save the Girl Child and create a Drug-Free Punjab" : Sri Sri's call to the people of Punjab.

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