
19 November, 2010

{Daily Sutra} Subject: “I”

Waking up to the reality. Knowing of this ’I’ can lead to a state of devotion, of love. It is spontaneous. There is no need of surrender because it is already there. It does not have to mean a painful part of the ego. It is knowing that everything belongs to the divine, the thorn as well as the roses belong to the divine. What happens when you surrender? A permanent peace dawns in you, a smile that no one can take away from you.

{Knowledge Sheet} Subject: Charity purifies the wealth

Religion with spirituality is wonderful. Religion without spirituality is disastrous!

Q: Why do we seek God when we know God is already within us?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Because we don’t know but some idea is there. There is some prior experience of God. If you don’t know mango exists, you won’t go searching for it

"Ethical practices are essential for a good economy. We need to come up with practical solutions. 90 per cent of the population is honest! People are waiting for examples and support.
We need to caution people without creating fear and anxiety. Spiritual values can reinstate faith in humans." - Sri Sri's address from the World Forum
 for Ethics in Business in Brussels, Nov.19

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