11 October, 2010

My Interview

This interview of mine got published in Fashion and Fitness Magazine. The magazine and the journalist, who interviewed me, conveniently forgot to send me a copy of it.
But today, the same journalist wanted another interview and hence sent me this copy on the email. You can read the article clearly by clicking on the pictures.
He wrote this very kind email too.

Dear Madam,

At the very outset, I must express my sense of delight and honour in corresponding with a visionary and a living legend on health and fitness like you. You have played a key role in making kickboxing and other myriad fitness regimes gain their well deserved recognition and popularity among the upwardly mobile Indian society, and also has been instrumental in inventing the unique and innovative fitness regimen of Dancexercise.The entire Indian fitness industry should remain indebted to your awesome talent.  

I would be delighted and honoured to interview you in person, which would be an an humble attempt to unravel your limitless knowledge and uncommon insight and vision on the fitness industry. The interview will probe on various attributes that a modern gym in a five-star hotel should possess, both in terms of state-of-the-art equipment, quality personnel and exercise regimens. Your invaluable advice can greatly benefit the Indian hospitality industry, for nowadays, almost five-star hotels in India have gyms in them.

I would hereby take the opportunity to inform you that I had done a feature on you before also, for a Delhi-based fashion magazine. It was a wonderful experience to interact with you and learn from you, but I felt sorry that the interview didn't last for more than ten minutes because of your prior commitments. Anyways, I am herewith sending a scanned copy of the said feature for you, though I am sure you have a hard copy version of it too.



  1. Congrats on the feature(s)! That was a very nice e-mail. I'm going to go and read the article now :)


  2. Nice blog you have. Couldn't leave with out commenting. Good pictures too. Best of Luck in every thing...

  3. Kiran,

    Seems like you are a star in India. You are on TV, news paper, fitness center in GK...I was in South Delhi in July. Next time :)

  4. I am so happy for you Kiran, such great work and you remain humble. Nice, I am associating with you.keep up the good work. Contribute more and more..
