
22 September, 2010

Thank you Guruji

Today I had an appointment with my dentist. And let me tell you, I am so scared of going to him. Although, he is so brilliant in his job, but I guess my pain bearing threshold is too low. So I switched on my Art Of Living music and clutched to Guruji's picture. Trust me it helped. In fact, it helped big time. Guruji was with me throughout. This is how He is always there for me.
Well so moving on-
SUTRA: "Forgiveness shield and protects your mind, your spirit, from being violent." - Sri Sri.
And here is outfit of the day. 

 Dress: Springfield
Bag: Burberry
Location: Jim Corbett


  1. I too hate going to the dentist! Glad you felt you had some support and someone to help you through it though. And I love your outfit, that dress is so pretty :)


  2. oh you look so hip and trendy, my browser still shows the virus warning but I decided to ignore it.I really liked the pictures of you and your sister in the other post.It's always good to go on vacation especially if you have been working a lot before that.

  3. Hope you are felling better after the dentist appo. The dress is beautiful.

    My browser when I am working from my lappy is showing the virus warning.

  4. Dentist... Scare the hell out of me.. Great to hear that you have something to hold on such time...

    Great pictures..

  5. :-) as time goes along, its amazing how we surrender all problems however mundane of big to Guruji ! JGD

  6. it is all faith that make to think u good and possitive.Blessings work in life wn one is in trouble.

  7. it is all faith that make to think u good and possitive.Blessings work in life wn one is in trouble.

  8. it is all faith that make to think u good and possitive.Blessings work in life wn one is in trouble.
