
03 September, 2010

New member in the family.

With my yawning niece

 With my alert and attentive niece

Pouting aunt with her niece who is in la la land. Have you ever seen me pout before?

The above are the pictures with my newly born niece. She is so cuddly and cute.
I think I am very good at handling infants. It felt good to hold her and rock her.

What I wore: Another Chanderi Saree with very interesting colors and shades- again picked up from Chanderi.


  1. Awwww she is such a cutie! I love babies but I am very scared of holding them because their heads are never stable and I always feel like I am going to drop them! Haha.


  2. Your niece is adorable.God blessher.

  3. ohh she looks so fragile and again I love this saree

  4. Aww how lovely! I was worried that perhaps the first picture was "screaming niece" however!

    And on a side note, I do love the colour of your saree!
