
06 September, 2010

Happy Teachers day

I attended yet another Tango party and I must confess, I am already so good at it and also at ease with it. ( Yes, I am blowing my own trumpet- but so what. That is a fact). I had such an amazing time.
Now during the tango party, I received this wonderful sms, which completely made my day.

 It read-

Hi, A very Happy teachers day. U know was thinking of people who have taught me things in life, and ur name is one of the first few which comes to my mind...U ve really transformed me as a person..Seriously u ve made me soo much more confident of myself.. So special thanks.. :)

Such sweet sms. This is one person who has actually transformed- as I jokingly say, from fat to fit. And the credit for that, though is being given to me, I would say- should be given to dedication and will power. This is one person who on day one could not do brisk walking for few minutes and today surprises me by running non stop at an amazing speed. It is such sweet people who bring lot of sunshine and happiness and smile and cheers. God Bless.


  1. hey happy teachers day to you too, and teachers have so much of power, they can transform lives, I am still thankful to my English teacher of tenth standard.
    that was a very sweet sms you received

  2. Such nice students ,who remember their teachers or mentors.Getting such messg. also satisfying.keep encouraging and enlightening others.
