
21 September, 2010

Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: How Does A Desire Arise?

1. A desire arises with the memory of a pleasant experience and past impressions.

2. A desire might arise through listening.

3. A desire can be triggered through the association of certain people and a place.

4. Someone else's need or desire may manifest in you as your own desire, e.g. when someone is hungry, you get a desire to feed them or someone wants to talk to you and you get a desire to talk to them.

5. The destiny or a happening in which you have a part to play may trigger a desire of which you have no idea. For example, a gentleman in Quebec, Canada kept making roads and working on a farm for 30 years, not knowing for what -- for it was destined to become our Canadian Ashram.

- Sri Sri

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

SUTRA: "You are the Reality. You are not the thoughts, you are not the emotions nor actions. You are not even a person." - Sri Sri


  1. Desire explained in simple terms. Loved it.

  2. Very good. Every sentences obviously is powerful but last one is special.
