
21 September, 2010

Cutie Pie

Like I said in my earlier post, I am having a blast with my two year old nephew. I can't describe how cute he is and how much fun I am having with him, just watching his little acts, listening to his baby talks- he calls me massi. We have our special song that we sing together and games that we play. He gives me his adorable naughty look and does those small acts that make me so happy. I am reliving the memories when my sons were small. These are my cherished moments. He has his own blog that you can see here.


  1. You are sharing beautiful moments with your sis and nephew. Happy for you.

  2. HE sure is an angel.. You are so lucky to have someone like him in your life!

  3. Kids are fun.Reminds me the days of my daughter when she was 2.

    What is your nephew's name?

  4. A you should see his blog at
    You would know his name and a lot more.
