Freedom and discipline are opposites and complementary. The purpose of defense is to protect freedom. But is there freedom in defense? Do soldiers have freedom? No, they are totally bound, not even allowed to put the right foot down when told the left foot. Their steps are measured and they are unable even to walk with a natural rhythm. There is total lack of freedom in defense. That which has absolutely no freedom is protecting the freedom of the country! So it is with the police; they protect the freedom of the individual. But are they free?
Discipline protects freedom. They both go hand in hand. Understand this and go ahead in life. You have some restrictions and it is this that allows you freedom. You can choose to focus either on freedom or discipline, and this makes you happy or unhappy. Freedom without discipline is like a country without a defense.
Fences should be fences; a fence cannot be built all over the property. If your fence is all over, how can you build on the property? That state of high absolute freedom is too difficult; we need to be very practical. Yes, there is a state of unlimited bliss, the freedom Advaita talks about. The Advaita Knowledge has been totally misused or used according to one's own fancies and conveniences.
There must be awareness in the mind, love in the heart, and righteousness in action.
Love and fear are two possibilities that put you on track. The Jewish religion put fear as the main thing so that life could improve. Nature induces fear at a certain age in a child. When a child is very young, it gets 100 percent time and love of the mother. The child has no fear. As the child grows more independent it becomes cautious. Nature brings in an iota of fear. With freedom, the child starts walking carefully. Fear of losing freedom also brings defense. The purpose of defense is to eliminate fear.
On this path Knowledge is your Freedom and also your Defense.
- Sri Sri
|| Jai Guru Dev ||
SUTRA: "In the presence of a satguru: knowledge flourishes,sorrow diminishes,joy wells up without any reason, abundance dawns&all talents manifest." - Sri Sri...
Jai Gurudev!
Jai Gurudev!
Dear Ones,
Most of us know that back in 1995, Guruji started to give weekly knowledge, which way sent out first as the weekly ‘knowledge sheet’, and then came to form the collections entitled, ‘Letters to the Sincere Seeker’.
Many of us have been longing for this weekly inspiration from Guruji. So … once again He will be sending out a weekly message via the new global Art of Living page on facebook!
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Jai Gurudev!
Most of us know that back in 1995, Guruji started to give weekly knowledge, which way sent out first as the weekly ‘knowledge sheet’, and then came to form the collections entitled, ‘Letters to the Sincere Seeker’.
Many of us have been longing for this weekly inspiration from Guruji. So … once again He will be sending out a weekly message via the new global Art of Living page on facebook!
Join facebook if you haven’t already and become a fan of our new official page at:
and receive the first issues of ‘Weekly Wisdom from Sri Sri’
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Jai Gurudev!