
10 August, 2010

What we need is inner richness and outer dynamism

What Sri Sri Said Today
August 5th, 2010 - Woburn, Massachusetts, USA

What do you do when you are stuck in traffic? (Audience lists out suggestions) You can honestly pray to God to clear it. You can enjoy the music playing in the car. You can take the nearest exit. You can just enjoy the traffic or chant a mantra. Now what should we not do? Complain. Just stop this and you will be able to keep your enthusiasm. We come into the world with it but somewhere along the way it is lost. As we grow up, we switch from positive over to negative mode. So just see the traffic jam as an exercise in testing this, in pushing those buttons.
Every event is an opportunity to deepen your wisdom. An unpleasant event somewhere kindles the deep wisdom we are born with. Whether positive or negative, every event kindles this in us. If an event overpowers us, we lose our emotions and intellect. Then we need help. That is where communion comes in. We sit together and sing and the load is lifted off. Everyone must take some time in life to dwell on the truth. This is satsang, to be in the company of truth. Keep on encountering truth in our lives. Just a few moments can bring such peace, stability and strength.

People think this is something boring. They feel knowledge is so serious. I say follow knowledge and fun follows you, but follow fun and only misery will follow. Self-knowledge is that which makes you lighter and like a child again. It brings enthusiasm from within. That is exactly what spirituality is.

Realize that everything is ok. All is well. Then you can go inward and meditate. When you meditate, everything is ok. When you come out of meditation you find that everything is not. You become aware again of all the problems in your life, in the world. You must do something about this. Meditation is smiling within and service is bringing the smile to others. So first you must go inward and be in the space of “all is well.” Know that you are protected and being taken care of. This confidence has to come. That is meditation.

Then when you come out, in action you can see what is not right and work for it. Do not do so out of obligation. Let it come as your very nature rather than as a duty. If you feel duty, there is no beauty. Just serve and smile. Smile and serve. Often we don’t smile in service. People get burned out and start irritating others in the name of service. And often people who are happy do no service! Both kinds of people are walking on just one foot. You need both qualities, inner richness and outer dynamism. 

Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Wrapping Paper
Guruji: All sensory pleasures in the world are like wrapping paper; the true bliss is the present inside. Divine love is the present, yet we are holding onto the paper believing we have already enjoyed the gift. It's like putting the chocolate inside your mouth with the paper still on. A little chocolate may seep into the mouth, but the covering makes sores in the mouth. Unwrap the present. The whole world is there for you to enjoy. The wise know how to enjoy the gift inside, while the ignorant get stuck with the paper.

Wally told Guruji: I have some property for you to consider as an Ashram in the U.S.

Guruji said: I want every home to be an Ashram.

How many of you consider your home to be an Ashram? If not, what keeps your home from being an Ashram? What are the impediments? What do you think are the qualities of an Ashram?

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

SUTRA:“Stay in your nature even while under pressure. Every situation that comes to us is for our upliftment. Be ready to face any challenges.”- Sri Sri...

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