02 August, 2008


Printed in The Hindu Newspaper

Fighting fit and staying strong

Bringing down enemies is fun, discovers Nandini Nair at a Kickboxing class
Photo:Sandeep Saxena

JUST FOR KICKS Kiran Sawhney shows how to throw a punch and a kick

I need a workout with a purpose. The lure of merely burning fat doesn’t do it for me. That’s how my search for a kickboxing class begins. Having originated in Thailand, kickboxing promises to raise stamina and fell assailants. I soon find myself at Fitnesolution in GK-2. I have a class with Kiran Sawhney, MD and chief wellness trainer at Fitnesolution.

She might be the mother of a grown-up son, but Kiran has defeated age and has won over strength. Having started studying fitness around 10 years ago, Kiran is today a certified instructor in different regimes from aqua aerobics to pilates to bhangra aerobics.

Taking no chances
Before the class begins, Kiran goes through one’s medical history. She needs to figure out if her client is physically capable of a “high intensity” workout session. She doesn’t recommend kickboxing to people with a history of shoulder or back problems.

Explaining the benefits, she says, “Through kickboxing and aqua aerobics you lose the most calories, since unlike running and aerobics it requires the upper body and lower body to work out.”

The class begins with a warm up session, involving a few routine stretch exercises. This is to increase the heart rate before starting on the actual regime. Then the real work begins. The class opens with a fighter stance. Elbows are bent and fists are clenched in front of one’s face. Even though I am aware that I probably look ridiculous, I enjoy my feigned machismo. Then begin a series of jabs. Kiran instructs, “Never lock your elbow. No jerks. The elbow should be soft.” She further demonstrates the different kinds of jabs. From a cross jab – to hit someone on the side. To an upper cut – to sock the chin. To a hook – which is meant for someone standing behind. Then the kicks begin. The front kick, the back kick, the side kick, the flying kick and the round house kick. I find the flying kick the most fun. It requires quite a little hop and a skip. These most basic moves form the base of kickboxing. The rest of the class is adaptations and variations and choreographies of these kicks and jabs. The constant one, two, three, kick, punch, kick, kick, kick action and the endless repetitions are enough to cause quite a sweat.

(Find out more from – www.fitnesolution.com and dreamfit.blogspot.com. Call – 9810530027)

( nandini@thehindu.co.in)

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