31 August, 2008
Bosu- Strength Training-Series 39
A fly (or flye) is a strength training exercise in which the hand and arm move through an arc while the elbow is kept at a constant angle. Flies are used to work the muscles of the upper body. Because these exercises use the arms as levers at their longest possible length, the amount of weight that can be moved is significantly less than equivalent press exercises for the same muscles (the military press and bench press for the shoulder and chest respectively).
Flies can be performed using any weight that can be held in the hand. The simplest equipment to use is a dumbbell, though they can also be performed using a cable machine and sitting or standing upright. When using a cable machine, the hands and arms move through the same anatomical plane as the dumbbell version.
The shoulder fly (also known as a lateral raise) works the medial deltoid muscle of the shoulder. The movement starts with the arms straight, and the hands holding weights at the sides or in front of the body. Arms are kept straight or slightly bent, and raised through an arc of movement in the coronal plane that terminates when the hands are at approximately shoulder height. Weights are lowered to the starting position, completing one "rep". When using a cable machine the individual stands with the coronal plane in line with the pulley, which is at or near the ground. The exercise can be completed one shoulder at a time (with the other hand used to stabilize the body against the weight moved), or with both hands simultaneously if two parallel pulleys are available.
30 August, 2008
Bhangra Aerobics
Try Bhangra Aerobics instead of regular aerobics. The drum beats are infectious. The steps are very ethnic and traditional punjabi.
Lots of jumps and shoulder shakes makes it a very high intensity workout.
You can even wear kurtis instead of lycra leotards uncomfortable tight fitted clothes and add fun element to your workout.
Bhangra is the Indian rural dance from the northern state of Punjab.
Bhangra is one of the trendiest of fitness and exercise routines, and is fast emerging as a popular alternative to regular aerobics winning rave reviews from the fitness gurus. Aerobics moves have hardly changed over the years and are notoriously boring. But this new fad is vivacious, dynamic and provides a break. All the moves in the programme follow the folk dance pattern, but have been reconditioned so that they can also provide a healthy cardio-vascular programme, designed to burn as many as 500 calories an hour. Since the workout is a derivative of a folk dance, it is safe for all age groups. But the draw of bhangra for most fitness fans seems to be its music - a welcome change from mundane and rhythmless pop songs that never seem to end. It feels like attending a party and getting a workout at the same time. The beauty of these exercises lies in the fact that anybody can do them. If it is too fast paced, a slower version is available to suit your comfort level. The music is so alive, and the drum beat is infectious. Most instructors seem to opt for Bhangra instrumental music, with occasional chants of "Balle balle" (hooray, hooray) and "Hadippa" (bravo). Bhangra is said to combine cool moves with great music. Many students say the workout also gives them the opportunity to learn a little about Indian culture. After the bhangra dance, you are completely drenched with sweat and I think that is one of the best things you can have - lots of exercise while dancing for fun. Increasing interest in Punjabi music by American pop artists such as Jay-Z and Britney Spears have fuelled the popularity of the bhangra workout. The fitness industry insists that it is not a passing fad and is here to stay. Like yoga, bhangra has the potential to grow and grow
29 August, 2008
Bosu- Strength Training-Series 38
Exercise for Posterior Deltoid Muscle
The posterior deltoid is the smallest of the deltoid muscles. It is also the most important muscle to help give you the 'rounded shoulder' look.
Posterior Deltoid Function
The function of the posterior deltoid/shoulder muscle is for shoulder extension, transverse extension, transverse abduction and external rotation.
Posterior Deltoid Origin
The origin of attaches onto the inferior edge (spine) on the scapula.
Posterior Deltoid Insertion
The posterior deltoid muscle inserts onto the deltoid tuberosity of the humerous.
Posterior Deltoid Training
There are not too many exercises to train the posterior deltoid. Make sure to switch between cables and free weights to change intensities on the muscle.
What if I have fatty Posterior Deltoid? What exercises can I do to reduce fat on my Posterior Deltoid Muscle?
Spot reducing is a common conception to reduce the fat on a specific area.
Posterior Deltoid. You cannot spot reduce, but you can: Follow six rules to nutrition, complete a ciruit training program 4-5 days a week to reduce your overall body fat and eventually reduce the fat in your Posterior Deltoid. In other words, specifically exercising your Posterior Deltoid will not directly decrease the overall fat around the muscle.
Posterior Deltoid Squeeze
Position: sit on Bosu.
Works on Posterior Deltoids, Rhomboids, Trapezius.
Sit on the Bosu, holding a dumbbell in each hand, and lean forward from your hips. Maintain a straight back with abdominals tight, and your head in a neutral position as you lean forward. Place your hands under your legs and slightly behind your heels. Lift the weights out to your sides, keeping your elbows bent and pointing towards the ceiling. Imagine a string is attached to your elbows and the ceiling, and it is pulling your elbows upward. Keep your wrists strong and in neutral position. As you reach the end of your upward & outward movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together to increase the activity of your rhomboid muscles. Your rhomboids are very important muscles for maintaining correct, upright posture and are vital muscles to work. They help prevent rounding of the upper back and are the opposing muscle group for the pectorals. Exhale as you lift up; inhale as you return to the starting position.
The posterior deltoid is the smallest of the deltoid muscles. It is also the most important muscle to help give you the 'rounded shoulder' look.
Posterior Deltoid Function
The function of the posterior deltoid/shoulder muscle is for shoulder extension, transverse extension, transverse abduction and external rotation.
Posterior Deltoid Origin
The origin of attaches onto the inferior edge (spine) on the scapula.
Posterior Deltoid Insertion
The posterior deltoid muscle inserts onto the deltoid tuberosity of the humerous.
Posterior Deltoid Training
There are not too many exercises to train the posterior deltoid. Make sure to switch between cables and free weights to change intensities on the muscle.
What if I have fatty Posterior Deltoid? What exercises can I do to reduce fat on my Posterior Deltoid Muscle?
Spot reducing is a common conception to reduce the fat on a specific area.
Posterior Deltoid. You cannot spot reduce, but you can: Follow six rules to nutrition, complete a ciruit training program 4-5 days a week to reduce your overall body fat and eventually reduce the fat in your Posterior Deltoid. In other words, specifically exercising your Posterior Deltoid will not directly decrease the overall fat around the muscle.
Posterior Deltoid Squeeze
Position: sit on Bosu.
Works on Posterior Deltoids, Rhomboids, Trapezius.
Sit on the Bosu, holding a dumbbell in each hand, and lean forward from your hips. Maintain a straight back with abdominals tight, and your head in a neutral position as you lean forward. Place your hands under your legs and slightly behind your heels. Lift the weights out to your sides, keeping your elbows bent and pointing towards the ceiling. Imagine a string is attached to your elbows and the ceiling, and it is pulling your elbows upward. Keep your wrists strong and in neutral position. As you reach the end of your upward & outward movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together to increase the activity of your rhomboid muscles. Your rhomboids are very important muscles for maintaining correct, upright posture and are vital muscles to work. They help prevent rounding of the upper back and are the opposing muscle group for the pectorals. Exhale as you lift up; inhale as you return to the starting position.

28 August, 2008
Bosu- Strength Training-Series 37
Bicep Curl

Sit on Bosu. Position two dumbbells to sides, palms facing in, arms straight.
With elbows to the sides, raise one dumbbell and rotate forearm until forearm is vertical and palm faces shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat with opposite arm. Continue to alternate between sides.
Biceps may be exercised alternating (as described), simultaneous, or in a simultaneous-alternating fashion. When elbow is fully flexed, elbow should only travel forward slightly allowing forearm to be no more than vertical to allow for a relative release of tension in muscles between repetitions.
Biceps Brachii
Deltoid, Anterior
Trapezius, Upper
Trapezius, Middle
Levator Scapulae
Wrist Flexors

Sit on Bosu. Position two dumbbells to sides, palms facing in, arms straight.
With elbows to the sides, raise one dumbbell and rotate forearm until forearm is vertical and palm faces shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat with opposite arm. Continue to alternate between sides.
Biceps may be exercised alternating (as described), simultaneous, or in a simultaneous-alternating fashion. When elbow is fully flexed, elbow should only travel forward slightly allowing forearm to be no more than vertical to allow for a relative release of tension in muscles between repetitions.
Biceps Brachii
Deltoid, Anterior
Trapezius, Upper
Trapezius, Middle
Levator Scapulae
Wrist Flexors
27 August, 2008
Bosu- Strength Training-Series 36
Dumbell front raises
Grasp dumbbells in both hands.

Raise dumbbells with elbows fixed in a 10° to 30° angle throughout until upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Deltoid, Anterior
Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Deltoid, Lateral
Trapezius, Middle
Trapezius, Lower
Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations
Trapezius, Upper
Levator Scapulae
Wrist Extensors
A variation of the above can also be done with the tubing instead of a Dumbell. Place the tubing under the Bosu and sit on Bosu. Hold each handle of the tubing in both the hands. Slowly, exhaling raise the hands up towards your shoulders. Keep the elbows soft. They should never be locked. Inhaling come down. You may do alternate hand i.e unilateral or both hands together i.e bilateral.

While seated on Bosu, bend slightly forward but keep the back straight and abs tight.
Grasp dumbbells in both hands.

Raise dumbbells with elbows fixed in a 10° to 30° angle throughout until upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Deltoid, Anterior
Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Deltoid, Lateral
Trapezius, Middle
Trapezius, Lower
Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations
Trapezius, Upper
Levator Scapulae
Wrist Extensors
A variation of the above can also be done with the tubing instead of a Dumbell. Place the tubing under the Bosu and sit on Bosu. Hold each handle of the tubing in both the hands. Slowly, exhaling raise the hands up towards your shoulders. Keep the elbows soft. They should never be locked. Inhaling come down. You may do alternate hand i.e unilateral or both hands together i.e bilateral.

While seated on Bosu, bend slightly forward but keep the back straight and abs tight.

Bosu- Strength Training-Series 35
Dumbell Flyes
Grasp two dumbbells. Lie supine on Bosu. Support dumbbells above the chest with the arms fixed in a slightly bent position. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows to the sides.

Lower dumbbells to sides until chest muscles are stretched with elbows fixed. Bring dumbbells together in a hugging motion until dumbbells are nearly together. Repeat.

Target -Pectoralis Major, Sternal
Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Deltoid, Anterior
Biceps Brachii, Short Head
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Wrist Flexors
Grasp two dumbbells. Lie supine on Bosu. Support dumbbells above the chest with the arms fixed in a slightly bent position. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows to the sides.

Lower dumbbells to sides until chest muscles are stretched with elbows fixed. Bring dumbbells together in a hugging motion until dumbbells are nearly together. Repeat.

Target -Pectoralis Major, Sternal
Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
Deltoid, Anterior
Biceps Brachii, Short Head
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Wrist Flexors

The Headstand (Shirshasana)

The Headstand (Shirshasana)
This posture may look like imposing to those who haven’t attempted it. Nevertheless, it is an extremely powerful asana. It is called the "king of asanas" because of its overall effect on the whole body. For beginners, it is better to ask a friend to help you with this in the beginning.
Kneel down on your yoga mat. Interlock the fingers of your hands and place them and your forearms on the yoga mat. Keep the elbows fairly close together.
Place the back of your head into the hollow of the palms (not on the palms or fingers). Rise up off your knees and take a step or two towards your head.
Inhale, and slowly raise the legs until they are vertical. Keep your back straight and try to relax. Breathe slowly and deeply from the abdomen.
Concentrate on the brain or the pineal gland between the eyebrows.
To come down, bend your knees and lower one leg and then the other.
The headstand increases circulation to the brain, which causes improved brain function (intelligence and memory) and increased vitality and confidence.
It improves many ailments, such as nervousness, tension, fatigue, sleeplessness, dullness, fear, poor blood circulation, bad memory, asthma, headaches, constipation, congested throat, liver or spleen, for female disorders, the initial stages of eye and nose troubles, and general lack of energy, vitality or self confidence.
It stimulates four of the most important endocrine glands - the pituitary, the pineal, the thyroid, and the parathyroid glands that are responsible for our very existence, for they keep the body mechanism in good working order. Pituitary gland is called the master gland of the body. As a consequence, the practice of the headstand helps us to get relief from many of our troubles, physical as well as mental, or to prevent them. It has a very beneficial effect on the whole body.
It promotes hair growth by increasing circulation to the scalp.
It helps to put the spine into correct alignment.
It restores the position of vital organs by reversing gravity.
The quality of sleep is improved. Poor sleep is often due to an excess of nerve impulses from the reticular formation to the cerebral cortex in the brain. The headstand causes an increase in circulation to the neck, which stimulates the baroreceptors in the neck. This calms the reticular formation down, causing reduced nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex. This results in a peaceful, deep steep.
Because of the many benefits of the headstand, the yogis often refer to it as the 'king of the asanas'.
Don't do the headstand if you have high or low blood pressure. First get your blood pressure normal by natural means such as good nutrition, aerobic exercise and the other asanas. Even just giving up salt and taking garlic daily (tablets or in cooking) will cause a substantial reduction in your blood pressure.
Atherosclerosis (blocked blood vessels) and any history of strokes are also contraindications to doing the headstand. You must improve your circulatory system first, before attempting it.
If you have any serious eye diseases, ask your eye specialist's advice about doing the headstand.
Avoid this exercise if you are suffering from constipation, when the stool is excessively dry, if you have pus in your ears, if you are suffering from chronic nasal catarrh, or from very weak eye capillaries. Avoid this exercise if you have an organically defective pituitary, pineal or thyroid gland.
If you suffer from a neck injury or advanced arthritis in your neck, again you must improve your neck condition first. See your chiropractor, follow the nutritional principles in this book and do the other asanas to improve your neck. If you have a serious neck condition and you wish to get the benefits of the headstand, you can purchase an inversion apparatus, which gives you all the benefits without compression of the neck. In fact, this equipment produces traction of your neck, so your neck condition will actually improve.
Don't let any minor neck pain stop you from doing the headstand, since most of the weight of the body is actually supported by the forearms. There is very little pressure on the head and therefore very minimal compression of the neck.
26 August, 2008
Bosu- Strength Training-Series 34
1. Bench Press
The bench press is a strength training exercise in which, while lying on his back on top of a Bosu, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight and the elbows locked (or close to this position). The exercise focuses on the development of the pectoralis major muscle as well as other supporting muscles including the anterior deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, and the triceps. The bench press is one of the three lifts in the sport of powerlifting and is used extensively in weight training, bodybuilding and other types of fitness training to develop the chest.
A starting position is to be lying on a Bosu, with the shoulder blades pinched together to avoid recruiting the anterior deltoid during the lift. Feet are kept flat on the ground or end of the Bosu. The weight is gripped with hands equidistant from the center of the bar, with the elbows bent to 90° and the elbows beneath the wrists. Movement starts by lifting the bar or Dumbells off the pins, and lowering it until it touches the chest. The weight is then pushed off the chest, terminating when the arms are straight, at which point the weight can be lowered again. After the desired number of repetitions, the bar is returned to the pins. Because of the heavy weight that can be used and the position of the bar, a 'spotting partner' increases the safety of the movement at heavier weights.
Angle The incline-version shifts some of the stress from the pectorals to the anterior deltoids and gives a greater stimulus to the upper pectorals, whereas the decline allows more weight to be lifted while using nearly the same musculature as the traditional bench press.
Hand position - Varying width grips can be used to shift stress between pectorals and triceps. A wide grip will focus on the pectorals. A narrow, shoulder width grip will focus more on the triceps.
Type of weight - Instead of a bar, the bench press can also be performed with dumbbells which incorporate more use of stabilizer muscles. Dumbbells may be safer to use without a spotting partner, as they may be dropped to the side with less risk of injury.
Different repetition patterns can be used to achieve different goals.[2] For instance:
Muscular endurance - 15 to 20 repetitions with a light weight (50–60% of 1rm), with a goal of increasing intramuscular stores of phosphocreatine and ATP, as well as speeding clearance of muscle contraction byproducts
Muscular strength - 2 to 6 repetitions with heavier weight (80–90% of 1rm) to build contractile proteins
Muscular hypertrophy - To increase muscle size, 6–12 repetitions with a weight equivalent to 60–80% of one's 1rm should be carried out.

The bench press is a strength training exercise in which, while lying on his back on top of a Bosu, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight and the elbows locked (or close to this position). The exercise focuses on the development of the pectoralis major muscle as well as other supporting muscles including the anterior deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, and the triceps. The bench press is one of the three lifts in the sport of powerlifting and is used extensively in weight training, bodybuilding and other types of fitness training to develop the chest.
A starting position is to be lying on a Bosu, with the shoulder blades pinched together to avoid recruiting the anterior deltoid during the lift. Feet are kept flat on the ground or end of the Bosu. The weight is gripped with hands equidistant from the center of the bar, with the elbows bent to 90° and the elbows beneath the wrists. Movement starts by lifting the bar or Dumbells off the pins, and lowering it until it touches the chest. The weight is then pushed off the chest, terminating when the arms are straight, at which point the weight can be lowered again. After the desired number of repetitions, the bar is returned to the pins. Because of the heavy weight that can be used and the position of the bar, a 'spotting partner' increases the safety of the movement at heavier weights.
Angle The incline-version shifts some of the stress from the pectorals to the anterior deltoids and gives a greater stimulus to the upper pectorals, whereas the decline allows more weight to be lifted while using nearly the same musculature as the traditional bench press.
Hand position - Varying width grips can be used to shift stress between pectorals and triceps. A wide grip will focus on the pectorals. A narrow, shoulder width grip will focus more on the triceps.
Type of weight - Instead of a bar, the bench press can also be performed with dumbbells which incorporate more use of stabilizer muscles. Dumbbells may be safer to use without a spotting partner, as they may be dropped to the side with less risk of injury.
Different repetition patterns can be used to achieve different goals.[2] For instance:
Muscular endurance - 15 to 20 repetitions with a light weight (50–60% of 1rm), with a goal of increasing intramuscular stores of phosphocreatine and ATP, as well as speeding clearance of muscle contraction byproducts
Muscular strength - 2 to 6 repetitions with heavier weight (80–90% of 1rm) to build contractile proteins
Muscular hypertrophy - To increase muscle size, 6–12 repetitions with a weight equivalent to 60–80% of one's 1rm should be carried out.

Bosu- Strength Training-Series 33
1. Overhead Press
Note that the correct name for the Overhead Press is Press. The Press is always done Overhead. Many say Overhead Press to avoid confusion with the Bench Press. The Bench Press is a variation of the Press, not the other way around.
Sit on Bosu with abs tight and back straight. Hold the Dumbells or a barbell in hands and exhaling, take the hands up. Press the bar from your front shoulders overhead until your elbows are locked. Do 20 repetitions of 3 sets.
Like with any barbell exercise, you’ll have problems finding balance the first time you try to Overhead Press. Start light, focus on your technique & add weight progressively. You’ll improve.
Benefits of The Overhead Press.
You can lift more weight with the Bench Press than with the Overhead Press. But the Overhead Press has many benefits over the Bench Press. Some examples:
Full Body. The Overhead Press works your body as one piece. Your trunk & legs stabilize the weight while your shoulders, upper-chest & arms press the weight overhead.
Builds Muscle. Abs & back stabilize the weight. Shoulders, upper-chest & triceps press the weight overhead. The Overhead Press builds the physique.
Healthy Shoulders. The Bench Press works your front shoulders more than your back shoulders. The Overhead Press works all shoulder heads equally. Alternating the Overhead Press with the Bench Press minimizes risks of shoulder injuries caused by muscle imbalances.
It’s Fun. Picking up a weight from the floor & pressing it overhead is more fun than pressing the same weight while lying on a Bench.
Grip Width. About 46cm/18″. The larger your build, the wider your grip. Hands should never touch your shoulders.
Gripping the Bar. Grip is same as for the Bench Press. Bar close to your wrist, in the base of your palm. Not close to your fingers.
Chest Up. Make a big chest & lift it up. Makes it easier to use your back muscles & shortens the distance the bar has to travel.
Elbows Forward. Elbows in front of the barbell when looking from the side. Not upper-arms parallel with the floor, it’s not a Front Squat.
Look Forward. Looking up is bad for your neck. Look forward, fix a point on the wall before you. Makes it impossible to arch your lower back, thus increasing safety. Squeeze your glutes hard.
You won’t see many people do the Overhead Press in the average gym. Hard to find someone to teach you how to do the Overhead Press correctly.
Performing the Overhead Press. Press the bar overhead in a straight line, that’s the shortest distance from start to finish. Unfortunately your head is in the way. So you’ll need to move your head & torso during the Overhead Press.
Tilt Head Back. Quickly tilt your head back so the bar can pass your chin/nose without hitting them. Keep looking forward.
Shift Torso Forward. Once the bar reaches forehead level, shift your torso forward. Continue pressing the weight overhead.
Head Forward. Your chin should almost touch your chest when the weight is overhead. Look forward, not down.
Lock Everything. Squeeze shoulders, traps & back. Lock your elbows.
Tips to Improve Your Overhead Press Technique. Common errors you’ll make while learning how to Overhead Press with correct technique.
Elbows Forward, Chest Up. You’ll forget to reposition yourself between reps at first. Start each rep with elbows in front of the bar & chest up.
Bar High. The higher the bar on your chest, the shorter the distance it has to travel. Put the bar close to your clavicles. Quickly tilt your head back & forth. Clavicles might hurt at first, your skin will adapt & thicken.
Go Forward. You’ll miss reps if you stay back vs. getting under the bar. Shift your torso forward when the bar reaches forehead level.
Breathing. If you breathe at the top, you can bounce the bar off your chest making the next rep easier. Breathe at the bottom & you’ll press from a dead stop, making the next rep harder. The former allows more weight. The latter makes the exercise harder, making the former easier.
Note that the correct name for the Overhead Press is Press. The Press is always done Overhead. Many say Overhead Press to avoid confusion with the Bench Press. The Bench Press is a variation of the Press, not the other way around.
Sit on Bosu with abs tight and back straight. Hold the Dumbells or a barbell in hands and exhaling, take the hands up. Press the bar from your front shoulders overhead until your elbows are locked. Do 20 repetitions of 3 sets.
Like with any barbell exercise, you’ll have problems finding balance the first time you try to Overhead Press. Start light, focus on your technique & add weight progressively. You’ll improve.
Benefits of The Overhead Press.
You can lift more weight with the Bench Press than with the Overhead Press. But the Overhead Press has many benefits over the Bench Press. Some examples:
Full Body. The Overhead Press works your body as one piece. Your trunk & legs stabilize the weight while your shoulders, upper-chest & arms press the weight overhead.
Builds Muscle. Abs & back stabilize the weight. Shoulders, upper-chest & triceps press the weight overhead. The Overhead Press builds the physique.
Healthy Shoulders. The Bench Press works your front shoulders more than your back shoulders. The Overhead Press works all shoulder heads equally. Alternating the Overhead Press with the Bench Press minimizes risks of shoulder injuries caused by muscle imbalances.
It’s Fun. Picking up a weight from the floor & pressing it overhead is more fun than pressing the same weight while lying on a Bench.
Grip Width. About 46cm/18″. The larger your build, the wider your grip. Hands should never touch your shoulders.
Gripping the Bar. Grip is same as for the Bench Press. Bar close to your wrist, in the base of your palm. Not close to your fingers.
Chest Up. Make a big chest & lift it up. Makes it easier to use your back muscles & shortens the distance the bar has to travel.
Elbows Forward. Elbows in front of the barbell when looking from the side. Not upper-arms parallel with the floor, it’s not a Front Squat.
Look Forward. Looking up is bad for your neck. Look forward, fix a point on the wall before you. Makes it impossible to arch your lower back, thus increasing safety. Squeeze your glutes hard.
You won’t see many people do the Overhead Press in the average gym. Hard to find someone to teach you how to do the Overhead Press correctly.
Performing the Overhead Press. Press the bar overhead in a straight line, that’s the shortest distance from start to finish. Unfortunately your head is in the way. So you’ll need to move your head & torso during the Overhead Press.
Tilt Head Back. Quickly tilt your head back so the bar can pass your chin/nose without hitting them. Keep looking forward.
Shift Torso Forward. Once the bar reaches forehead level, shift your torso forward. Continue pressing the weight overhead.
Head Forward. Your chin should almost touch your chest when the weight is overhead. Look forward, not down.
Lock Everything. Squeeze shoulders, traps & back. Lock your elbows.
Tips to Improve Your Overhead Press Technique. Common errors you’ll make while learning how to Overhead Press with correct technique.
Elbows Forward, Chest Up. You’ll forget to reposition yourself between reps at first. Start each rep with elbows in front of the bar & chest up.
Bar High. The higher the bar on your chest, the shorter the distance it has to travel. Put the bar close to your clavicles. Quickly tilt your head back & forth. Clavicles might hurt at first, your skin will adapt & thicken.
Go Forward. You’ll miss reps if you stay back vs. getting under the bar. Shift your torso forward when the bar reaches forehead level.
Breathing. If you breathe at the top, you can bounce the bar off your chest making the next rep easier. Breathe at the bottom & you’ll press from a dead stop, making the next rep harder. The former allows more weight. The latter makes the exercise harder, making the former easier.

25 August, 2008
Bosu- Pilates-Series 32
1. Lie down on the floor or mat next to the Bosu. Keep one foot on top of Bosu with knee bent. Raise up the other leg straight up in the air. Contract your naval in towards the spine. Push your lower back towards the floor. The hamstring (back of the thigh) of the straight leg is actively getting stretched.

Place both feet on top of Bosu and lift the pelvis up. Keep the naval contracted and squeeze the glutes. Keep the hands on the floor.

In this position, slowly pick up your one leg off from the Bosu. The pelvis still remains lifted up. You would feel more contraction in the hamstring of the leg which is on top of the Bosu.

Raise this leg straight up and hold. Repeat on the other side.

The same can be done with feet on inverted Bosu. This is an advanced variation and requires more core stabilization.
1. Lie down on the floor or mat next to the Bosu. Keep one foot on top of Bosu with knee bent. Raise up the other leg straight up in the air. Contract your naval in towards the spine. Push your lower back towards the floor. The hamstring (back of the thigh) of the straight leg is actively getting stretched.

Place both feet on top of Bosu and lift the pelvis up. Keep the naval contracted and squeeze the glutes. Keep the hands on the floor.

In this position, slowly pick up your one leg off from the Bosu. The pelvis still remains lifted up. You would feel more contraction in the hamstring of the leg which is on top of the Bosu.

Raise this leg straight up and hold. Repeat on the other side.

The same can be done with feet on inverted Bosu. This is an advanced variation and requires more core stabilization.

24 August, 2008
Bosu- Pilates-Series 31
Lie on Bosu on the back with both knees bent and feet off the floor. Place the hands behind the head. Float the head off the Bosu.
Practice 3 sets of breath with hollowing. Feel the belly deflate with the hollow.
Lower leg demands more abdominal control. If you feel the back, bring the leg higher or return to beginner version. This is about the abdominals working!
To start:
Lie on back with both knees bent and feet off the floor. The hands are placed on each knee. Float the head off the Bosu.
Exhale, hollow and extend legs and arms towards opposite walls. *(If back is working, modify the range or go back to beginner version).
Inhale, and circle arms from overhead towards the extended legs.
Exhale, deepen the hollow, touch hands to bent knees and flex upper spine closer to the knees.
Repeat three more sets.

2. Criss Cross
Lie down on Bosu.
Inhale: Your upper body is in a full curve, your abs are pulling your bellybutton down to your spine, and your legs are in tabletop position.
Exhale: Reach your left leg out long, and as you keep the elbows wide, rotate your torso toward the bent right knee so that your left armpit is reaching toward the knee.
Inhale: Inhale as you switch legs and bring the trunk through center
Exhale: Extend the right leg. Rotate your upper body toward the left knee. Keep your chest open and elbows wide the whole time. Resist the urge to hold yourself up with your arms. Make this exercise about the abs.
Repetitions: Start with 6 and work your way up to 10.
Tip: You must keep a stable, neutral pelvis as you rotate the spine. No tucking, tilting, or rocking please!
To Modify Criss Cross:
The higher you work your legs, the easier the exercise will be on your lower back. Keep your legs high until you have enough abdominal strength to maintain a neutral pelvis throughout the exercise.
Try working just the upper body part of the exercise. You can leave your feet flat on the floor, with the knees bent and the legs parallel.
Lie on Bosu on the back with both knees bent and feet off the floor. Place the hands behind the head. Float the head off the Bosu.
Practice 3 sets of breath with hollowing. Feel the belly deflate with the hollow.
Lower leg demands more abdominal control. If you feel the back, bring the leg higher or return to beginner version. This is about the abdominals working!
To start:
Lie on back with both knees bent and feet off the floor. The hands are placed on each knee. Float the head off the Bosu.
Exhale, hollow and extend legs and arms towards opposite walls. *(If back is working, modify the range or go back to beginner version).
Inhale, and circle arms from overhead towards the extended legs.
Exhale, deepen the hollow, touch hands to bent knees and flex upper spine closer to the knees.
Repeat three more sets.

2. Criss Cross
Lie down on Bosu.
Inhale: Your upper body is in a full curve, your abs are pulling your bellybutton down to your spine, and your legs are in tabletop position.
Exhale: Reach your left leg out long, and as you keep the elbows wide, rotate your torso toward the bent right knee so that your left armpit is reaching toward the knee.
Inhale: Inhale as you switch legs and bring the trunk through center
Exhale: Extend the right leg. Rotate your upper body toward the left knee. Keep your chest open and elbows wide the whole time. Resist the urge to hold yourself up with your arms. Make this exercise about the abs.
Repetitions: Start with 6 and work your way up to 10.
Tip: You must keep a stable, neutral pelvis as you rotate the spine. No tucking, tilting, or rocking please!
To Modify Criss Cross:
The higher you work your legs, the easier the exercise will be on your lower back. Keep your legs high until you have enough abdominal strength to maintain a neutral pelvis throughout the exercise.
Try working just the upper body part of the exercise. You can leave your feet flat on the floor, with the knees bent and the legs parallel.

23 August, 2008
Bosu- Pilates-Series 30
1. Hundreds
Lie down on top of Bosu. Keep your legs straight up. Exhale and slowly lift your head and torso up. Raise up your hands also. Now you have to pump your hands as if bouncing the ball. Simultaneously, breathe 5 count inhale through the nose and 5 count exhale through the mouth. This makes it 10 count. Do 10 times and you would complete 100. When you exhale, pull the naval in towards the spine. This works on transverse abdominus muscle. Excellent exercise for core conditioning.
The hundred is a classic Pilates exercise.
The hundred is often used as a dynamic warm-up for the abdominals and lungs. It requires that you coordinate your breath with the movement, and be strong and graceful at the same time. It is challenging.
Take five short breaths in and five short breaths out (like sniffing in and puffing out). While doing so, move your arms in a controlled up and down manner - a small pumping of the arms.
Be sure to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed. It is the abdominal muscles that should be doing all the work.
Do a cycle of 10 full breaths. Each cycle is five short in-breaths and then five short out-breaths.
The arms pump up and down a few inches, in unison with your breath.
Keep your abs scooped, your back flat on the floor, and your head an extension of your spine, with the gaze down. OK - not hard!
To finish: Keep your spine curved as you bring your knees in toward your chest. Grasp your knees and roll up. Take a deep breath in and out.
To make the hundred more challenging: Lower your legs. Do not lower your legs past where you can control the movement. Don't let your spine peel up off the floor as you lower the legs.
To modify the hundred for back or neck problems: Do this exercise with your knees bent and the feet flat on the floor.
You can do this exercise with the legs extended but the head left down on the Bosu. This modification is often used by people who need to protect their necks.
2. Single leg stretch
Lie down on Bosu Your back is resting on the Bose. Slowly bring your head and torso up. Now bring one leg straight up and grab it with both the hands. You should be holding from the calf muscle. Inhale for 2 counts and pull the leg towards yourself, increasing the stretch. Exhale and switch the leg. Both legs should be straight and not bending. They move like scissors.
Lie down on top of Bosu. Keep your legs straight up. Exhale and slowly lift your head and torso up. Raise up your hands also. Now you have to pump your hands as if bouncing the ball. Simultaneously, breathe 5 count inhale through the nose and 5 count exhale through the mouth. This makes it 10 count. Do 10 times and you would complete 100. When you exhale, pull the naval in towards the spine. This works on transverse abdominus muscle. Excellent exercise for core conditioning.
The hundred is a classic Pilates exercise.
The hundred is often used as a dynamic warm-up for the abdominals and lungs. It requires that you coordinate your breath with the movement, and be strong and graceful at the same time. It is challenging.
Take five short breaths in and five short breaths out (like sniffing in and puffing out). While doing so, move your arms in a controlled up and down manner - a small pumping of the arms.
Be sure to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed. It is the abdominal muscles that should be doing all the work.
Do a cycle of 10 full breaths. Each cycle is five short in-breaths and then five short out-breaths.
The arms pump up and down a few inches, in unison with your breath.
Keep your abs scooped, your back flat on the floor, and your head an extension of your spine, with the gaze down. OK - not hard!
To finish: Keep your spine curved as you bring your knees in toward your chest. Grasp your knees and roll up. Take a deep breath in and out.
To make the hundred more challenging: Lower your legs. Do not lower your legs past where you can control the movement. Don't let your spine peel up off the floor as you lower the legs.
To modify the hundred for back or neck problems: Do this exercise with your knees bent and the feet flat on the floor.
You can do this exercise with the legs extended but the head left down on the Bosu. This modification is often used by people who need to protect their necks.
2. Single leg stretch
Lie down on Bosu Your back is resting on the Bose. Slowly bring your head and torso up. Now bring one leg straight up and grab it with both the hands. You should be holding from the calf muscle. Inhale for 2 counts and pull the leg towards yourself, increasing the stretch. Exhale and switch the leg. Both legs should be straight and not bending. They move like scissors.
22 August, 2008
Bosu- Yoga for lats and obliques-Series 29
1. Triyakatadasana or standing half wheel
Stand with feet apart. One foot on top of Bosu. Raise your hands up overhead. Grip one wrist with the other hand and bend to the side. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Stretches arms and the lats.
Makes spine more flexible.
Do not attempt if you have frozen shoulder or severe back problem.

2. Parigharasana or sitting side stretch
Kneel down and place the right knee on top of the Bosu. Extend left leg straight out to side on the floor. The toe of the left leg should be pointing outward. Raise your right hand up and take it overhead to the left side while placing the left hand on your waist. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Stretches the muscles of pelvic region, trunk arms and thighs.
Strengthens the back muscles.
Do not attempt if you have back problem.

3. Uthitatrikonasana or The Extended Triangle
Stand with feet wide apart. Place right foot on top of Bosu and turn it outward.Raise your hands to shoulder level and slowly turn your body to right. Place your right hand down on top of Bosu and turn left hand out to right side parallel to the floor. Look at this hand. Hold and repeat to the other side.
Tones the thighs.
Strengthens the arms.
Tones and massages the pelvic region.
Do not attempt if you have stiff neck or high blood pressure.
Stand with feet apart. One foot on top of Bosu. Raise your hands up overhead. Grip one wrist with the other hand and bend to the side. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Stretches arms and the lats.
Makes spine more flexible.
Do not attempt if you have frozen shoulder or severe back problem.

2. Parigharasana or sitting side stretch
Kneel down and place the right knee on top of the Bosu. Extend left leg straight out to side on the floor. The toe of the left leg should be pointing outward. Raise your right hand up and take it overhead to the left side while placing the left hand on your waist. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Stretches the muscles of pelvic region, trunk arms and thighs.
Strengthens the back muscles.
Do not attempt if you have back problem.

3. Uthitatrikonasana or The Extended Triangle
Stand with feet wide apart. Place right foot on top of Bosu and turn it outward.Raise your hands to shoulder level and slowly turn your body to right. Place your right hand down on top of Bosu and turn left hand out to right side parallel to the floor. Look at this hand. Hold and repeat to the other side.
Tones the thighs.
Strengthens the arms.
Tones and massages the pelvic region.
Do not attempt if you have stiff neck or high blood pressure.

Bosu- Yoga for lats and obliques-Series 28
1. Ardha Chakrasana or the half wheel
Stand on straight on top of Bosu. inhale and slowly raise your one hand out to the side, parallel to the floor.
Then take your arm upwards over your head so that the ear touches the shoulder. Exhale and bend to the side and even tilt your head to the side.Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on te other side.
Tones latissimus dorsi.
Helps in curing asthma because the functional capacity of lungs is enhanced and you improve your breathing.
Do not hold your breath.
Do not bend backwards.

2. Trikonasana or The Triangle
Stand next to Bosu with your feet apart. Slowly place one foot on top of Bosu. Bend sideways and slide your hand down towards the foot which is on top. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Tones abductors, lats and obliques
Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure, vertigo or severe back problem.

3. Hasta Kona Trikonasana or the tilted Triangle
Standing position is similar to the above. Slowly place one foot on top of Bosu and turn this foot out. The foot on the floor still faces front. In this while sliding the hand down towards the foot placed on top of Bosu, the other hands goes up and overhead, parallel to the floor. This palm points the same direction as the foot on top of Bosu. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Tones your sides
Strengthens the thighs and muscles of the back.
Same as above.
Stand on straight on top of Bosu. inhale and slowly raise your one hand out to the side, parallel to the floor.
Then take your arm upwards over your head so that the ear touches the shoulder. Exhale and bend to the side and even tilt your head to the side.Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on te other side.
Tones latissimus dorsi.
Helps in curing asthma because the functional capacity of lungs is enhanced and you improve your breathing.
Do not hold your breath.
Do not bend backwards.

2. Trikonasana or The Triangle
Stand next to Bosu with your feet apart. Slowly place one foot on top of Bosu. Bend sideways and slide your hand down towards the foot which is on top. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Tones abductors, lats and obliques
Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure, vertigo or severe back problem.

3. Hasta Kona Trikonasana or the tilted Triangle
Standing position is similar to the above. Slowly place one foot on top of Bosu and turn this foot out. The foot on the floor still faces front. In this while sliding the hand down towards the foot placed on top of Bosu, the other hands goes up and overhead, parallel to the floor. This palm points the same direction as the foot on top of Bosu. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Tones your sides
Strengthens the thighs and muscles of the back.
Same as above.

21 August, 2008
Bosu- Yoga for Hips-Series 27
1. Hastha Padasana
Stand on top of Bosu with your feet together. Exhale and bend forward from the waist to touch your knees with your forehead. tailbone should be up, knees straight and take the hands towards the feet. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Tones abdomen.
Stretches hamstrings.
Because of forward bending posture, increases the blood flow towards the head. Thus improves metabolism, concentration and vitality.
Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure. Bending forward may cause sudden rush of blood flow towards head.
Do not attempt if you have back problems.

2. Bakasana or The Crane Pose
Stand straight. Slowly bend forward from the waist and rest your hands on top of the Bosu under your shoulders and look down. Raise one leg off from the floor and bring it high up, parallel to the floor, behind you, while keeping the other foot on the floor.

Now slowly lift the back heel off from the floor too and push the body weight further ahead.
Strengthens and increases the flexibility of the back.
Improves balance.
Tones the hips.
Strengthens the neck muscles.
Do not attempt if you have back problems or vertigo.

Hold and repeat on the other leg.
Stand on top of Bosu with your feet together. Exhale and bend forward from the waist to touch your knees with your forehead. tailbone should be up, knees straight and take the hands towards the feet. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Tones abdomen.
Stretches hamstrings.
Because of forward bending posture, increases the blood flow towards the head. Thus improves metabolism, concentration and vitality.
Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure. Bending forward may cause sudden rush of blood flow towards head.
Do not attempt if you have back problems.

2. Bakasana or The Crane Pose
Stand straight. Slowly bend forward from the waist and rest your hands on top of the Bosu under your shoulders and look down. Raise one leg off from the floor and bring it high up, parallel to the floor, behind you, while keeping the other foot on the floor.

Now slowly lift the back heel off from the floor too and push the body weight further ahead.
Strengthens and increases the flexibility of the back.
Improves balance.
Tones the hips.
Strengthens the neck muscles.
Do not attempt if you have back problems or vertigo.

Hold and repeat on the other leg.
Bosu- Yoga for Legs-Series 26
1. Natarajasana
Stand on top of Bosu with feet apart. Bend your knees and keep the back straight. Stretch your arms straight above your head.
Strengthens the thigh, calf and ankle joints.
Tones Abductors.
Improves posture.
Do not attempt if you have stiff knees and ankles or weak back.

2.Vatayasana or Arched Moon Pose
Stand on top of Bosu. Slowly pick up left one foot and grab it with left hand. The right hand goes up overhead. The left knee is bent. Feel the stretch in your quadriceps.

Straighten up the left hand which is grabbling the foot in a manner that a triangle is made between your back, arm and leg.

Slowly bend your torso forward and lower your right arm in front of you till it is parallel to the floor. Balance the body on the right leg, still holding your left foot with your left hand. To improve your balance, constantly keep looking at one point. This also helps to improve concentration besides improving your balance. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Strengthens the knee joint
Stretches the quadriceps
Strengthens the back.
Do not attempt if you have week knee or varicose veins or are prone to injury due to imbalance.

3. Sahaj Vyagrasana or Half Crane Pose
Keep your hands on Bosu and knees on the floor. Come into a Box position. Make sure the hands are directly under the shoulder blades and knees are under the hip joint. Avoid bending the elbows. Raise one leg with a bent knee. The thigh here should be parallel to the floor, foot faces the ceiling. Hold this position and repeat on the other side.
Strengthens the back, thigh, hips and arms.
Tones glutes i.e hips
Alleviates cervical spondylitis.
Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure or severe back problem.
Stand on top of Bosu with feet apart. Bend your knees and keep the back straight. Stretch your arms straight above your head.
Strengthens the thigh, calf and ankle joints.
Tones Abductors.
Improves posture.
Do not attempt if you have stiff knees and ankles or weak back.

2.Vatayasana or Arched Moon Pose
Stand on top of Bosu. Slowly pick up left one foot and grab it with left hand. The right hand goes up overhead. The left knee is bent. Feel the stretch in your quadriceps.

Straighten up the left hand which is grabbling the foot in a manner that a triangle is made between your back, arm and leg.

Slowly bend your torso forward and lower your right arm in front of you till it is parallel to the floor. Balance the body on the right leg, still holding your left foot with your left hand. To improve your balance, constantly keep looking at one point. This also helps to improve concentration besides improving your balance. Hold and repeat on the other side.
Strengthens the knee joint
Stretches the quadriceps
Strengthens the back.
Do not attempt if you have week knee or varicose veins or are prone to injury due to imbalance.

3. Sahaj Vyagrasana or Half Crane Pose
Keep your hands on Bosu and knees on the floor. Come into a Box position. Make sure the hands are directly under the shoulder blades and knees are under the hip joint. Avoid bending the elbows. Raise one leg with a bent knee. The thigh here should be parallel to the floor, foot faces the ceiling. Hold this position and repeat on the other side.
Strengthens the back, thigh, hips and arms.
Tones glutes i.e hips
Alleviates cervical spondylitis.
Do not attempt if you have high blood pressure or severe back problem.

20 August, 2008
Bosu- Yoga for Legs-Series 25
1. Vajrasana
Sit in Vajrasana on top of Bosu. This is kneeling position as shown below with your buttocks under your heels.

2. Supta Vajrasana or The reclining Hero
Sit in vajrasana on the floor and slowly bend backwards taking support of Bosu behind your back. Rest your head on Bosu. Grab hold of your ankles with your hands.
Strengthens and improves the flexibility of ankles and knees.
Stretches the quadriceps i.e the front of thigh.
Improves the back posture and curvature of spine.
Do not attempt if you have week back, neck or stiff knees.
Sit in Vajrasana on top of Bosu. This is kneeling position as shown below with your buttocks under your heels.

2. Supta Vajrasana or The reclining Hero
Sit in vajrasana on the floor and slowly bend backwards taking support of Bosu behind your back. Rest your head on Bosu. Grab hold of your ankles with your hands.
Strengthens and improves the flexibility of ankles and knees.
Stretches the quadriceps i.e the front of thigh.
Improves the back posture and curvature of spine.
Do not attempt if you have week back, neck or stiff knees.

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