
04 June, 2008

fit vs. fat

Weight loss facts & fads
Obesity increases the risk of death and a variety of chronic diseases. Obesity is therefore a costly health concern, but it is also a very personal battle for many people, causing far-reaching problems from loss of mobility to low self-image. “The ubiquity of fast food outlets and soda vending machines, the huge increase in portion sizes at restaurants, the decline in school physical education programs, and the many hours spent on the Internet and watching television are all contributing to the obesity epidemic.
Defining the Terms
First, a definition of terms is in order. Body mass index (BMI) (bodyweight in kg divided by height in m2) is not the best measure of optimal weight since it does not take into consideration body composition. A bodybuilder who has only 7% body fat may be classified as obese by BMI standards since his/her musculature will add a considerable amount of weight to his/her body. With that said, obesity is defined as a BMI of >30, and overweight is a BMI of 25-29. Perhaps a better measure of whether one is overweight is percent body fat. Men and women who are above 24 and 28% body fat, respectively, are considered overweight.
Compare whether you are fit or fat?
Fit people sink in water... fat people float
Fit people burn fat...fat people burn sugar
Fit people can eat more...fat people diet and fast, lowering their metabolism
Exercise decreases hunger in fit people...exercise triggers hunger in fat people
When fit people exercise it is usually aerobic... when fat people exercise it is often anaerobic
Fit people can be overweight without being overfat. fat people can be overfat without being overweight

This article written by Kiran Sawhney is also published on the following web site

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